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**This Blog was written by Shakespeare***

How to Become a Freelance Writer

If you're interested in writing for a living, or just want to freelance for a few friendly clients, you're in luck! This guide will teach you everything you need to know about becoming a freelance writer. Start by understanding the different types of freelance writing, and then learn the basics of finding and contacting clients. 

What Skills Do You Need to Be a Freelance Writer?

Freelance writing may be lucrative, but it’s not easy. Beyond the more obvious writing skills, there are a few other things you should know before venturing into the freelance writing world. 

Research: Your freelance writing services should demand quality work, and quality work starts with thorough research. Not only do you need to know your topic inside and out, but you need to be able to research it from multiple angles and sources. Always be sure to cite your sources, provide backlinks, and write everything in your own words.

SEO: When writing content for the web, implementing SEO keywords and phrases will be a must for your clients. The purpose of your content is to drive web traffic towards their business, so you want to make sure your work is optimized for search engines. 

Efficient Communication: As a freelance writer, you need to be able to communicate with clients quickly and effectively. From the get go, establish expectations and pay rates. Throughout the project, update your client on your progress, provide drafts and samples, and conduct yourself professionally at all times.

Where to Find Freelance Writing Work

Freelance writing is a great way to make extra money and have some freedom in your work. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Look for agencies that specialize in freelance writing. These agencies will help you find ongoing jobs as well as one-time projects.

2. Join freelancing websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Pangea. These networks connect you with thousands of freelance writing opportunities, and clients can seek you out there as well.

3. Submit your work to reputable online publications and directories. Sites like Writer’s Digest and The Directory of Freelance Writers offer submission guidelines and reviews of freelance writing services.

4. Do it yourself! You can create your own blog for free that you may be able to monetize in time. Worst case, this allows you to sharpen your skills and build your portfolio.

How to Pitch Your Services to Clients

If you're looking to get your freelance writing services out there, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Start by keeping your clients in mind. Make sure to highlight what you can offer them that other businesses can't.

2. Demonstrate your expertise. Don't just rely on word of mouth; put your skills to the test and prove to your clients that you're truly the best candidate for the job.

3. Make a strong case for your services. Make sure to focus on what your clients will get out of working with you, not just on how talented you think you are.

4. Stay up-to-date. Keep your clients informed about the latest trends and changes in the freelance writing world.

5. Offer a flexible schedule. Many of today's clients are busy professionals who need writing services that can be accessed when they have the time.

6. Be prepared to offer a free consultation. A free consultation is a great way to get your clients' feedback and see if your skills and services are a good fit for them.

7. Stay positive and professional at all times. A positive attitude will go a long way in gaining

How to Negotiate Pay Rates

If you're interested in freelancing, then you know that finding freelance writing jobs can be hard. If you're looking to make more money, you need to learn how to negotiate pay rates. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Know your worth.

First things first: you need to know what you're worth. This means doing your research and understanding your industry. Once you have a good estimate, you can start to negotiate pay rates that are fair.

2. Be flexible.

When you're negotiating, be flexible. If your client offers you a lower rate than you're expecting, be willing to go along with it. Remember, you want to find the best deal for both you and the client.

3. Don't be afraid to ask for a raise.

If you see that the rate you're earning isn't fair, be willing to ask for a raise. Although it can be hard to ask for more money, it's important to get what you're worth.

4. Understand payment terms.

Make sure you understand the payment terms before you start working. This way, you don't have to spend time negotiating after the fact.

Freelancing Writing with Artificial Intelligence 

Whether you’re an experienced writer or are just getting started, freelancers are using AI copywriters like Shakespeare in a variety of ways. 

  1. Shakespeare makes you more efficient. Shakespeare is capable of writing full blog posts (like this one) in a matter of minutes.
  2. Shakespeare makes you money. The time freelancers save by writing content with Shakespeare allows them to take on twice as many clients as before.
  3. Shakespeare solves writer’s block. If you’re ever at a loss for words, Shakespeare can help you get those creative juices flowing. 

There are thousands of freelance writing gigs out there ready for the taking, all of which Shakespeare can help you knock out in no time. Try Shakespeare for free today and receive 10,000 words on us!

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